
The role of the Registered Nurse or Newborn Care Provider is to feed, soothe, bathe, change & provide all other gentle care to baby through the night.

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Sleep Hacks: 4 Tips to Maximize New Parents’ Sleep

updated Feb 28, 2023 – Is “sleep when the baby sleeps” a myth in your house? It is for most of us! Here are our tips to maximize parents’ own amount of sleep in Sleep Hacks: 4 Tips to Maximize New Parents’ Sleep.

Sleep Hacks: 4 Tips to Maximize New Parents' Sleep
Denise Iacona Stern on ABC7

Sleep Hacks: 4 Tips to Maximize New Parents’ Sleep:

You might be able to catch a nap when your baby is asleep during the day, but it’s unrealistic for many. Caring for older children in addition to the newborn, limited time off work, having twins or higher order multiples and babies who have unpredictable and short nap schedules are just a few instances that make daytime sleep impossible.  When you do manage to get a nap, these shorts bits of sleep do help. But naps don’t take the place of the deep, restorative sleep that keeps parents healthy. In other words, parents need to maximize the stretches of sleep we can get.

TIP #1 – Breathing Exercises to Help Your Body Switch Gears

For many new parents, one of the frustrating things about sleep is that we’re running on so much adrenaline that we can’t sleep when we’re supposed to. Controlled breathing can help your body make the switch from wakeful to sleepy. Here are 2 methods:

  • The 4:7:8 Technique

This simple meditation popularized by Dr. Andrew Weil is a “natural tranquilizer for the nervous system” and is based in the yogic philosophy of controlled breathing. While all evidence seems to be anecdotal, we do know that conscious breathing has health benefits. It also allows the brain and nervous system to become calm. Here’s how to do 4:7:8:

  1. Place the tip of your tongue against the ridge of tissue just behind your upper front teeth, and keep it there through the entire exercise. You will be exhaling through your mouth around your tongue, 
  2. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a “whoosh” sound.
  3. Close your mouth and inhale through your nose to a mental count of four.
  4. Hold your breath for a count of seven.
  5. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight.
  6. Now inhale again repeating the cycle three more times for a total of four breaths.
  • Tactical Breathing

As noted in a 2021 NIH study, tactical breathing is used by military and law enforcement personnel to reduce stress and maintain psychomotor and cognitive performance in dangerous situations. This of course is more than parents need, but the principle is the same…get yourself calm! One method of tactical breathing is:

  1. Breathe in through your nose for a count of 4
  2. Hold your breath for 4
  3. Exhale through your mouth for a count of 4
  4. Hold your breath at the bottom of the exhale for a count of 4

Repeat step 1-4 as much as feels good to you.

  • Meditation Apps – Free and paid meditation Apps can allow new parents to fall into a relaxed, hypnotic state. Sometimes you can fall completely asleep.  

Calm is a 5 star rated free App (with some purchasing options) noted for its ease of use.  Headspace has an associated cost of $70 but is known for it’s productive 10-minute sessions; a very useful 10 minutes for a sleep deprived parent. 

TIP #2Ease up on the caffeine – I know. Ridiculous suggestion, right?  While we often see caffeine as vital, it’s been proven to keep us up even when we don’t want to be.  Try these natural energy boosters instead:

  1. Increase Magnesium – Magnesium in the form of whole grains and fish is one of  WebMD’s top suggestions to fight fatigue.
  2. Decrease Sugar – As our own head nurse Joy Becker tells, make healthier snack choices such as dried fruit or green-smoothies for a sweet and natural energy boost.
  3. Drink Water – To keep your energy up when you actually want to without the caffeine side effects drink lots of water. According to WebMD nutritionist Keith Ayoob, EdD, RD, “Sometimes, even slight dehydration can leave you feeling tired and lethargic.” 

TIP #3 – Divide and Conquer

Swap nights, or even 1/2 nights, caring for baby with your partner even if it means sleeping in separate bedrooms.  Being “off” from 10pm – 6am a few nights per week allows your body the deep, restorative sleep it needs. It also give you a mental boost knowing that there is a definite break in sight.

For breastfeeding moms who are nursing throughout the night, simply stay in bed to nurse while your partner bringy s the baby to you. Partner also does all other care like diaper changes and soothing in another room.    

TIP #4 – Get Outside Help

Allow friends and family to provide child care relief. Whether they act as a night nurse, or even if it’s just for an hour or 2 take everyone up on their offers to help! Even 1-2 hours or uninterrupted time alone can help. Of course you can always call our night nannies if professional help is needed as well.

Bonus TIP – Help You Newborn Sleep Soundly too!

Swaddles, pacifiers and white noise machines are all tried and true methods to help infants sleep longer and more peacefully. These items each offer something comforting. Experiment with these to find what works best for your baby and helps them sleep more soundly.

Sleep deprivation is a right of passage for brand new parents but having a plan can ease its effects. There’s no award for suffering and you can try to make those first months with baby easier on your health.  

If you feel that anxiety, depression or sleep deprivation is affecting you more than just the “baby blues,” there is help. Contact Postpartum.Net or call/text 833- TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262)  for help.

Dad putting newborn safely to sleep in crib.
Maximize Sleep by taking turns

Postpartum Employee Benefits: Positive Disruption at Work

With the passing of the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections (PUMP) For Nursing Mothers Act in December, workplaces must comply with stricter laws to allow breastfeeding workers time and a dedicated space to pump (not a bathroom!). Companies have an opportunity right now to not just comply with the law, but overdeliver on its purpose! We tell you how in Postpartum Employee Benefits: Positive Disruption at Work.

Postpartum Employee Benefits: Positive Disruption at Work
Postpartum Employee Benefits Positive Disruption at Work

Offering In-Home Visits by a Nurse after baby is born or Overnight Newborn Care when employees return to work, shows that a business does more than just offer “perks,” they actively prioritize employee welfare.

Denise Iacona Stern, Let Mommy Sleep

What do you mean by Postpartum Employee Benefits: Positive Disruption at Work?

While large companies try to outdo each other with a week or 2 more of maternity leave, a nursing pod or a gym membership, Postpartum Benefits are an innovation that actually sets a company apart. These benefits make a true impact on the lives of employees.

Here’s what we mean:

Home Visits by a Registered Nurse – Newborns have well-visits with a pediatrician many times in their first months home. Did you know some new parents often don’t have any?! Postpartum Visits are just what they sound like – a Registered Nurse visits the family home to provide head to toe assessments, education and breast or bottle feeding support to brand new parents. Visits occur during the vulnerable first week home with baby.

Why Home Visits?

  • Education and clinical assessment in the early days home with newborns equates to better breastfeeding outcomes, lowered hospital readmissions and better mental health outcomes. These are health benefits for the whole family recommended by many organizations including The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in 2016 and reaffirmed in 2021.
  • Postpartum visits bridge the month-and-a-half gap in care for birthing parents to see a physician for their own health.
  • Visits are the only opportunity for non-birthing parents to receive a formal health assessment and education.
  • Postpartum mood and anxiety disorders (PMAD’s) are the most common complication of pregnancy for both parents but are also 100% treatable. Early intervention is a key solution.

Overnight Newborn Care – happens when the employee arrives home with baby or during the week an employee returns to work, usually between the hours of 10pm and 6am. A certified Newborn Care Provider (NCP), also called a postpartum doula or night nanny feeds, monitors and cares for babies through the night.

Why Overnight Care?  Postpartum Employee Benefits: Positive Disruption at Work

  • Allows for proper recuperation after birth and continued monitoring of parents.
  • Caregivers provide responsive care and monitoring of baby through the night ensuring proper feeding, safety and safe sleep.
  • Employees receive the deep, restorative sleep that keep mind and body healthy upon returning to work.

These simple services positively affect the health and wellbeing of employees, but they also provide impactful, cost effective and measurable solutions to companies in the following ways:


  • Corporations are typically competing to hire from the same pool of elite applicants. Salary and traditional benefits are of course huge factors in a potential hire’s decision but increasingly, so is the feeling that companies actually care about their employees’ well-being. (Gallup, 2021)


  • How a woman is treated in the months leading up to her maternity leave and then during leave and shortly thereafter when she returns to work will determine whether or not a company will be able to retain her.”– Asha Santos, partner at Littler Mendelson P.C., who advises U.S. companies on employment law and how to build respect in the workplace.”
  • Parents receive the tools that are lacking in traditional healthcare to stay mentally and physically healthy, increase breastfeeding rates and be ready to return to the workplace.

Cost Effective:

  • Using a salary of $100,000 for easy math, the amount of lost productivity per employee in 2018 was about $4300.   Cost of the postpartum care program is only $100 – $1440 per employee welcoming a child.
  • Cost only occurs for those becoming parents, not for the entire workforce. Among adults, it’s estimated that less than 2% of the population is pregnant at any given time (CDC data: 11 births per 1000 population). Extending benefits to both spouses means that only 4% of the workforce will use postpartum benefits in any given year.
  • Benefits become more cost effective, the higher the salary of the employee. Because the rate for postpartum care doesn’t change, the cost benefit becomes greater.

Five women and newborn during maternity leave
Postpartum benefits actively prioritize employee welfare

Postpartum Employee Benefits: Positive Disruption at Work – How Does It Work?

It’s so easy!

  1. Employee visits their custom company portal to request service.
  2. Care is coordinated within 24 hours, so the employee receives their postpartum doula profile and then service occurs when it is requested.
  3. The company is billed after service has occurred.

Why Let Mommy Sleep Postpartum Benefits?

We’ve been at this since 2010 and have since replicated our model all over the United States! Our corporate care program has been profiled on TODAY and in Parents Magazine. It was also used by INOVA EAP, serving over 200 locations across the country for 3 years. We’re widely considered the Industry Leaders in newborn and postpartum doula care.

Here’s why:

  • Awarded a local government contract to teach Newborn & Postpartum Care from 2015-2021 (ended due to covid)
  • Provided almost 1 million hours of exemplary care
  • 13 locations nationwide with 2 more due to open in 2023
  • Our teaching and experts have been cited in healthcare and pediatric journals, as well as local and national press.
  • Licensure and certification is required for all caregivers, attracting the highest level of candidate and greatest level of accountability.
  • We proudly serve military & first responder families whose babies arrive when a parent is deployed, wounded or deceased through our 501c3, Mission: Sleep.

Want to Enroll? Contact your local office today!

Would you like to learn more about Let Mommy Sleep and our franchises? We have a dedicated website for that!

CPSC Ban and Recall of Inclined Sleepers

Updated Jan 14, 2023 Beginning in mid 2022, any product intended or marketed for infant sleep must meet a federal safety standard.  This is a result of years of ongoing recalls, complaints and government intervention. The CPSC Ban and Recall of Inclined Sleepers affects rockers, pillows, nappers and other sleeping devices.

CPSC Ban on Inclined Sleepers – A Quick History

In January 2023, the Consumer Product Safety Commission and Fisher-Price re-announced the Recall of Rock ‘n Play Sleepers. The announcement originally happened in 2019 and soon extended to other brands of newborn and infant items.

Since the 2019 recall, approximately 70 more fatalities have been reported. How could this happen?

  1. It’s almost impossible to enforce recalls at secondary retailers like TJ Maxx, Amazon resellers or Facebook Marketplace. Seeing these items for sale, it’s fair that parents would assume the problem was fixed, or for a different product.
  2. People who didn’t have babies in 2019, were unaware of sleepers being pulled from stores.
  3. Some products re-branded. In one instance, the manufacturer Baby Delight continued to sell its Nestle Nook. They simply changed the name. The Nestle Nook went  from a ‘napper’ to a ‘lounger.’

Whatever the reason, it is crucial to know that while the CPSC cannot confirm the circumstances of every single fatality, the recalls happened because products marketed as “infant sleepers” are inherently unsafe.

On June 7, 2021, Fisher-Price was finally made to answer for keeping the RocknPlay on the market. A bi-partisan House Oversight Committee asked company officials how the products could remain on the market, after not only ignoring safety warnings, but also knowing that infant deaths occurred as a direct result of using their product. Additionally, Rep. Michael Cloud (R-Tex.) pointed out, Fisher-Price only consulted with “one doctor with a checkered past before marketing the Rock ’n Play.”

These findings resulted in the ban on products being marketed as infant sleepers.

CPSC Ban and Recall of Inclined Sleepers – Now What?

  • Incline sleepers like the RocknPlay are banned for sale as sleep devices. They have been since 2019. 
  • There are options to get more sleep without these devices though.
  • Consumer Reports explains why it’s okay for baby to fall asleep in a car seat but not a sleeper, below:

To learn how these products came to market and stayed there for 10 years, see the continuing must-read Consumer Reports research

Rachel Rabkin Peachman, Deputy of Special Projects at Consumer Reports who has been working on this information for over a year, answers your questions:

Why are sleepers being banned now, specifically? Did parents not follow product directions?

The Consumer Product Safety Commission has warned against using infant inclined sleepers, and the agency has voted in favor of banning the entire category because the products increase the risk of infant suffocation and death- -NOT because the sleepers were misused by caregivers. Infant inclined sleepers have been linked to deaths even when the products were used according to the company’s instructions—and even in cases where the baby was buckled into the restraint system and did not roll over.

The products are inherently unsafe for infants due to their design:

  1. First, the products go against the safe sleep recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics, which state that babies should be put to bed alone, unrestrained, on their backs, on a firm flat surface that is free of soft padding. Inclined sleepers like the Rock ‘n Play Sleeper are not flat, they have restraints, and they have padded sidewalls.
  2. Second, babies heads are heavy in proportion to their body size and neck strength, and the product’s incline enables their heads to slump forward—often chin to chest or chin to shoulder—which compresses the trachea and blocks airflow. The lack of oxygen can lead to suffocation.
  3. Third, the shape of many inclined sleepers enables babies to roll over earlier than they would typically on a flat surface (see below). And once they roll over in an inclined sleeper, they typically end up with their faces pressed against the soft sidewalls of the sleeper or pressed against the padded headrest of the sleeper, both of which can block airflow to the nose and mouth. Infants don’t have the strength or coordination to turn themselves around and move into a safe position that allows them to breathe.
Omved pillows are not safe for infant sleep

And recent study outlines the CPSC Ban on Inclined Sleepers

Here is an excerpt from the article:

The agency announced the findings of a new study it had commissioned, led by Erin Mannen, Ph.D., an expert in biomechanics and a professor at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, on how babies moved and breathed while at an angle between 10 and 30 degrees.

Her conclusion: “None of the inclined sleep products that were tested and evaluated as part of this study are safe for infant sleep.”

Among her findings: Placing babies in inclined sleepers makes it easier for babies to roll over because it puts them into a scrunched up position—similar to a fetal tuck—that allows them to roll over earlier than they would be able to manage on a flat surface. That explains, she says, why many parents said their babies had never previously rolled over yet were found dead, in some cases while restrained, face down on their stomach in the sleeper.

Why is it okay to have baby in a car seat in the car, but not a rock n play?

To answer that question in detail, please see this article, “Is it Okay for Babies to Sleep in Car Seats?” or watch the video below. Also, here’s a news article  on our (Consumer Reports) coverage comparing car seats to inclined sleepers: 

A quick quote from the article: “The answer is, yes, you can let your baby sleep for short stretches in a car seat, as long it’s used properly.” – Emily A. Thomas, Ph.D., an automotive safety engineer at CR’s Auto Test Center who is also a specialist in pediatric injury biomechanics and a certified child passenger safety technician. 

newborn safe sleep demonstrated by infant boy in crib
infant sleeping safely on his back

CPSC Ban on Inclined Sleepers -does it include swings?

The AAP does not recommend swings (or bouncy seats) for extended sleep. Swings pose some of the same risks that inclined sleepers pose. (Swings have not been safety tested the way car seats have; swings typically don’t have a five-point harness to prevent slumping; and swings are not necessary for car travel.)  If your baby does fall asleep in a swing, the safest thing to do is to move him or her to a firm, flat crib or bassinet. 

As a mom of two children, I know it’s hard to move a sleeping baby. And I know that many parents feel their babies sleep well in inclined products. But that doesn’t mean the products are safe. The products put babies at risk for death, and it’s just not worth the risk.

For more and continuing coverage on infant safety, please follow Rachel Rabkin Peachman on Twitter, @RachelPeachman.

How am I supposed to help my baby sleep without a rocker?!

After so much time curled up in the womb though, babies might wake up more often than their usual when placed to sleep flat on their backs. To ensure parents are maximizing their own sleep and reduce the temptation to use an unsafe sleeping product, we suggest getting on a staggered sleep schedule as parents.

A staggered sleep schedule is explained in this video but essentially means parents taking shifts either by blocks of hours or by night. So each adult is “on” and awake during their shift to respond to their baby’s needs.

take turns doing overnight newborn care to maximize sleep
Get on a Schedule with your partner

Night Nurse Franchise Updates

updated, April 1, 2023 – We began franchising in 2016 and proudly remain the only overnight newborn care franchise in America! What began as a simple service in Washington DC has now grown to 11 locations nationwide. Read our Night Nurse Franchise Updates below! 

Night Nurse Franchise Updates

Here at Let Mommy Sleep Franchising, our Registered Nurses and Newborn Care Providers support brand new parents as much as we support their babies. We’re bringing this detailed model of evidence-based teaching and newborn care to families across the country. In addition to caring for others, franchise partners have the time and means to be present for their own families. Ownership means working from home while contributing financially to your own family. We call this a circle of success for families.

We currently service these locations:

  • Washington DC
  • Northern & Central NJ
  • Chicago
  • Boise, ID
  • Dallas
  • Houston
  • Las Vegas
  • Loudoun Co, VA
  • Tampa and Orlando FL
  • Boca Raton, FL
  • Philadelphia
  • San Antonio
  • Wichita

What’s different about us?

  • We are 100% woman owned and operated. This wasn’t done on purpose, we just happen to match the demographics of the child care and nursing professions. These are both overwhelmingly staffed by women.
  • The overriding mission of Let Mommy Sleep is to work together with families, nurses, caregivers, corporations and local businesses to truly raise the standards and accountability in postpartum care.
  • Besides having local offices, our Nurses and team members contribute to local and national media.
  • Our curriculum was awarded a government contract and taught from 2015-2020, ending when covid forced closures of public school facilities. The same coursework is now taught online as well as to families.
  • Our non-profit, Mission Sleep is back up and running! We provide free, overnight newborn care to families whose babies arrive when a parent is deployed, wounded or deceased.
Night Nurse Franchise Updates from the nation's  newborn care providers.

Why We Decided to Franchise

The words “certified” and “accredited” are used often in business to market providers as trained and professional. However, there is little oversight on the use of these terms. In child care, the only legally protected title is “Nurse,” referring to Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical or Vocational Nurses. Other licensed professionals in healthcare are licensed by and accountable to their state’s Board of Nursing. In other words, there is accountability in healthcare.

We would like to bring this same level of accountability to the newborn care industry to help families and elevate caregivers. Our goal is to make the franchising the training and concepts at Let Mommy Sleep the industry standard. We will continue to pursue licensing but in the meantime make the LMS brand trusted by new parents and families.

If you would like to learn more, you can read more about us here and you can always set up a 1-on-1 meeting.

Las Vegas Night Nanny Franchise owner Jordan
LMS franchisee Jordan, CLC

Night Nanny or Baby Nurse: How-To Get Your Dream Job!

We’ve been caring for babies and their families since 2010, and are often asked about how to start working in newborn care. The good news is that there are lots of opportunities to help newborns and their families! This blog, Night Nanny or Baby Nurse: How-To Get Your Dream Job! details how to become a newborn care provider. We also talk about what it’s like to work at Let Mommy Sleep!

Night Nanny or Baby Nurse: How-To Get Your Dream Job! – How Do I Become a Night Nanny?

  • Experience: Experience is probably the most important part of becoming a night nanny. Being comfortable with newborns and baby care is something that only comes from having worked “on the job.” Experience can come from being a parent, friend, nanny, daycare center worker or hospital nursery. If you don’t have this experience you can find a mentor or shadow an experienced caregiver to get your own experience.
  • Newborn Care Training Certificate – Remain up to date and understand current safety and care protocols. Online certificate training such as the Newborn and Postpartum Care course at Teachable’s Newborn Care Academy are a must-have. Completing this type of certificate course demonstrates to perspective families that you understand SIDS prevention, safety, feeding, soothing and sleep expectations.

How Much Does a Night Nanny Make?

It definitely depends on your area of the country, but a good rule of thumb is that a Night Nanny can expect to earn several dollars more per hour than a Certified Nursing Assistant or Home Health Aide. Night Nannies don’t typically work with medical devices but the rate of pay is usually on par or better than traditional home health agency rates.

How Much Does a Baby Nurse Make?

We use the term Baby Nurse in the legally protected sense, referring to Registered Nurses (RN) or Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN). These Nurses can expect to make between $24 and $40 per hour for overnight care, depending on where they live in the US. For teaching Baby Basics classes and performing postpartum visits at Let Mommy Sleep, Nurses earn $50 per hour.

What Does a Night Nanny Do All Night?

What’s the Difference Between a Postpartum Doula and a Night Nanny?

The word doula is an ancient one that has come to mean “mother the mother.” (It actually means “female slave” but that’s for another post!) While this scope has certainly been expanded to include all family members, the spirit of support is still the same. As the Doulas of North America (DONA) website says, Postpartum doulas understand what everyone needs, and part of their role is to help the entire family adjust and settle in. This can mean cooking, nannying toddlers and older kids and performing household tasks. Because of the focus on the household, postpartum doulas can offer support at night, but typically work during the day.

what is a postpartum doula and birth doula
What is a birth doula?

The two most highly regarded organizations that educate birth and postpartum doulas are DONA International and Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association (CAPPA). Both offer education, certification and ongoing training. However, it’s important to note that while certified, birth and postpartum doulas are not licensed. Certified Nurse Midwives (CNF) and Certified Midwives (CM) are the only birth professionals aside from physicians and nurses, regulated and legally recognized on the state level.

In contrast, a night nanny typically works overnight. While some household tasks can be done overnight, the focus is on allowing the entire family to sleep. This sounds simple but is crucial to the families health.

Just a few of the reasons sleep is crucial:

  • It aids in recovery from birth
  • Deep, restorative sleep fights postpartum depression and mood disorders which are the most common complication of pregnancy
  • Sleep keeps our immune systems healthy and strong
  • Restful nights allow parents to be present during the day, not just for their newborns but for older kids and work.

Unless they hold a clinical license such as Certified Nursing Assistant or Home Health Aide (aside from nurses), a Night Nanny may not be licensed. For this reason it’s a good idea to hold certificates in newborn care, safety and lactation.

Night Nanny or Baby Nurse: How-To Get Your Dream Job! – What’s the Difference Between a Baby Nurse and a Postpartum Doula?

This is an easy one! The term “Nurse” is legally protected in most states. So calling someone a baby nurse means that they are a Registered Nurse (RN), Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) focusing on prenatal, neonatal or postnatal care. While these days the term Baby Nurse might be seen as outdated by some, there’s no denying it’s become a generic term for “newborn expert,” the same way the word tissue is interchangeable with Kleenex and no matter the brand, every icy treat is called a Popsicle!

What’s it Like to Work at Let Mommy Sleep?

Working at Let Mommy Sleep means you will typically work from 10pm-6am. During this time you’re diapering, swaddling, soothing and feeding the newborn. You’re also providing evidence-based education to their families. As baby gets older and is able to sleep longer stretches through the night, we help baby to sleep independently. We often care for twins and triplets as well. The overnight shift is not for everyone, but it’s an intimate, peaceful way to support families. Providers do this job for deep personal satisfaction, to gain experience while they are in nursing school and to have quality time with their own families.

Here’s what Let Mommy Sleep offers you:

  • Flexible scheduling – You make your own schedule and can work as little or as much as you like. We also love our PRN team!
  • A wonderful team to support you – Every LMS owner is a Registered Nurse, Licensed Clinician or Postpartum Specialist. We know what it’s like to work in the field because we’ve all done it too!
  • Make a difference by educating and caring for families who are transitioning home with their newborns.
  • Patient ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 😄
  • Pay is on the upper end of CNA and Home Health Care rates in each city. Registered Nurses can expect $25 -$35 per hour (depending on which city they’re in).
  • Teach Baby Basics classes or conduct 1-2 hour Postpartum Visits.
  • Free education and continuing education certificates

Night Nanny or Baby Nurse: How-To Get Your Dream Job!
We are here for you!

What can I do to prepare for a career as a Night Nanny?

  • Get Vaccinated: We understand people have different feelings about the COVID vaccine. But the truth is we’ve never met a family that wanted an unvaccinated newborn caregiver. Get the vaccine, update your flu-shot and at the very least update your MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) and TDaP (Tetanus, Diptheria and Pertussis). These are universal recommendations from pediatricians.
  • Stay Educated: There’s still no nationally recognized certification for newborn care providers. Yes there are certificates, but that is different than certification where there is a governing body to accept complaints and feedback. For this reason it’s crucial to remain up to date on American Academy of Pediatrics feeding, care, safety and safe sleep recommendations.
  • Further that Education: You can attend sleep training, lactation or early childhood education classes to further your training.
  • Get Comfortable with Babies and Parents: There’s no substitute for experience so care for newborns and infants whenever you can! Ask questions, find a mentor or volunteer your time. We can help you with this!
  • Infant & Child CPR Certification: Regular CPR class is great- infant CPR class is even better for working in newborn care.

Night Nanny or Baby Nurse: How-To Get Your Dream Job! Apply Now!

If you’re ready to apply for a position with us, complete an application in your city here. Or send your resume to: care(at) You can also visit us on Indeed and read what current and former staff have to say!

Night Nurse and newborn baby smiling at each other
Night Nanny or Baby Nurse: How-To Get Your Dream Job!