
The role of the Registered Nurse or Newborn Care Provider is to feed, soothe, bathe, change & provide all other gentle care to baby through the night.

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Daytime Nanny and A Night Nurse: Unique Differences

Of course the primary difference between a daytime nanny and night nurse lies in the hours during which they provide care! But there are other ways the jobs of each baby care provider differs. This blog, Daytime Nanny and A Night Nurse: Unique Differences details the specific roles of each job as it relates to newborn and infant care.

Daytime Nanny and A Night Nurse: Unique Differences – A Summary

Nannies can care for kids of any age from newborn to school age, so their role in the home can cary widely. Night nannies and night nurses (RN/LPN) on the other hand, specifically care for postpartum families with newborns and infants. While each job and families’ needs vary, the main differences between a daytime nanny and a night nurse are usually:

  1. Newborn Feeding Support
  2. Housework and Pet Care
  3. Transportation and Outings
  4. Infant Sleep Support
Daytime Nanny and A Night Nurse: Unique Differences
Daytime Nanny and A Night Nurse: Unique Differences

Looking at the Differences More In Depth: Family Life

First, when using the term Night Nurse it’s important to remember that “Nurse” is a legally protected term. It should be used when referring to an actual Registered Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse or Licensed Vocational Nurse. We understand it’s become a generic term but it’s a distinction parents with newborns will want to know.

1. Feeding Support – Breast and Bottle

Is my baby eating enough?” is one of the most common questions parents have when they leave the hospital or birthing center. For this reason, night nannies and postpartum nurses are well versed in feeding support. Additionally, if breastfeeding your newborn is a priority, a night nanny or night nurse will offer lactation support. This often happens during the breastfeeding session itself. A nanny can certainly help too, but is not usually specially trained in lactation.

2. Housework and Pet Care

Housekeeping is a normal part of your family’s day, so daytime nannies are often expected to pitch in with light chores. Sweeping up, wiping down the counters or taking out the garbage can happen multiple times per day! Mealtime for babies who have started solids or older kids is also a typical nanny duty. Food prep, supervising through the meal and clean up afterwards are all part of nanny’s job. When a family has pets a nanny will often be in charge of feeding and taking them out.

If you’re hiring help overnight, you want overnight newborn care providers to keep the home quiet (And the pets are usually asleep too!), so housework isn’t usually an expectation. A night nanny will keep your baby’s nursery tidy and laundry folded though.

Looking at the Differences More In Depth: Baby Care

3. Transportation and Outings

Going on outings to the park with the baby, accompanying you to pediatrician appointments and household errands are part of a daytime nanny’s routine. Make sure your nanny is comfortable using your stroller and car seats safely. Also ensuring your car insurance properly covers the additional driver.

This is of course not the case with your night nanny or night nurse. Travel is not part of the job for your night nanny!

4. Infant Sleep Support

If you’re a parent of a newborn, infant or twins you might be counting the weeks until your baby is sleeping through the night. And that’s okay- none of us are set up for sleep deprivation. For this reason both daytime and night nannies are equally important in helping your baby establish a routine. Daytime nannies help pave the way for long stretches of sleep overnight by making sure healthy feeds, naps and activity are happening each day.

Night nannies anticipate an infant’s feeding times overnight and ensure baby is properly fed, burped and soothed before going back to sleep. When it’s time to begin eliminating overnight feeds, the night nurse or nanny will gently wean formula/milk, eventually allowing baby to sleep through the night.

A Safe Sleep certificate is part of every Certified Newborn Care Providers (NCP) education. Whether providing care during the day or night, your caregiver should be well versed in infant safe sleep and minimizing the risk of SIDS.

Daytime Nanny and A Night Nurse: Unique Differences – Which Should I Hire?

There’s no wrong answer when it comes to deciding what child care is most helpful to you. Sometimes families hire a combination of daytime and nighttime help to ensure comprehensive care for their children. It doesn’t have to be 7 days/night per week, care can happen just 1 or 2 days at a time. There are many reasons for this that include:

  • You and your partner are both returning to work during the fourth trimester, when your baby still wakes up through the night.
  • You have twins or higher order multiples. Twins are usually born at a lower birthweight, so they wake through the night to feed for several months longer than full term babies do.
  • You’ve got older kids not in daycare and not old enough to attend school.

Whether a postpartum doula, night nanny, night nurse or daytime nanny the most important consideration is how the caregiver will support you and your family.

Night nurse smiling in camera while baby sleeps
Daytime Nanny with Newborn Baby

Certified Newborn Care and Doulas Now Available in Dallas

One of the things we’re most proud of at Let Mommy Sleep is the opportunity for certified newborn care providers in the field to work their way into ownership. And this is exactly how it happened for Khadine Blackwood! Get to know how Khadine helps families in this blog, Certified Newborn Care and Doulas Now Available in Dallas.

You can get the NAPS Certification Here! <–

Certified Newborn Care and Doulas Now Available in Dallas – Meet the Owners!

I decided to open Let Mommy Sleep Dallas because there’s nothing more exciting than helping parents in this new chapter in their life.  In fact, I actually get to *be* a part of that exciting new chapter!

Khadine has been helping babies for her whole life, and working as a professional childcare provider since 2019. She holds her Childcare Director’s License so understands the particular needs of newborn twins and their families. The combination of in-home and daycare environment experience means families can expect reliability and professionalism at all levels of care.

Supporting Khadine with administrative operations is Lorraine Wright, an accounting expert and a mother herself…she is a mother to Khadine!  Lorraine has over 20 years financial and operations experience. This experience means that families and night nanny recruits have a seamless experience nor just in newborn care, but with the administrative part of working with LMS Dallas. 


Certified Newborn Care and Doulas Now Available in Dallas
Certified Newborn Care and Doulas Now Available in Dallas

Who are Dallas’ Certified Newborn Caregivers and Postpartum Doulas? 

Headed by Khadine, with years of experience as a night nanny herself, the Dallas team of baby nurses and postpartum doulas are certified in Newborn and Postpartum Support (NAPS). This means they’ve received evidence-based training and certification in:

  • Best Newborn Care practices
  • Safe-sleep
  • Breastfeeding and bottle-feeding support
  • First Aid & CPR certification
  • Maternal Health support

Background checks, interviews and sparkling references are also required. Additionally, continuing education in infant care, baby sleep and lactation are also offered.

One of the unique things about Let Mommy Sleep is that we encourage parents to contact us anytime, therefore communicating even after the formal care time is over. This is how we can truly support families. And as Khadine says: Besides the hands-on care, I love getting those update texts once baby starts hitting new milestones!

Certified Newborn Care and Doulas Now Available in Dallas – How You Can Work with Us

  • Corporations – Night Nanny and doula visits are available to Dallas businesses and corporations. Postpartum visits and overnight baby care are game changers in employee recruiting and retention!
  • In Home Classes and Postpartum Visits – Our RN’s not only come to your home to teach, but they also remain on-call for questions that might come up in the future. This way you feel confident and healthy after your baby or twins arrive.
  • Postpartum Doula and Night Nurse (RN) Care – Our certified baby care experts help newborns and infants overnight, helping parents to be healthy and present the next day.

However Team Dallas is supporting families, the mission is nurturing care for newborns and evidence-based education for parents. What’s more, these simple goals instill peace of mind and trust as the doulas and nurses have certification and licensure to back up care.

Lastly, we want to build the best team of doulas, night nannies, newborn care and twins experts! If you’re a baby sleep or other expert, we want to meet you! Apply now or learn more about what it takes to work with Let Mommy Sleep Dallas.

The Experts in Certified Newborn Care Now in San Antonio

Let Mommy Sleep San Antonio brings together two childhood friends and all the best they have to offer San Antonio’s expecting and new parents! Jasmin Brunnelson and Jane Bolalin met in middle school art class in 1990, when they both laughed hysterically over a joke. Now this bond and their individual skills come together to help babies and their parents! This blog, The Experts in Certified Newborn Care Now in San Antonio tells their story.

The Experts in Certified Newborn Care Now in San Antonio have known each other for years!

The Experts in Certified Newborn Care Now in San Antonio – Meet the Owners

Jasmin Brunnelson is the co-owner who onboards experienced and devoted certified newborn caregivers. Jasmin personally connects with each person, ensuring that every night nanny and baby nurse (RN) holds the same values as LMS. We know the newborn and infant phase is fleeting and postpartum recovery can be difficult. Therefore our ultimate goal is to support parents and their babies with non-judgmental, evidence-based care.

Jasmin began her Let Mommy Sleep journey as a certified newborn caregiver, specializing in lactation support in 2013. She moved to the front office in 2014, subsequently becoming an owner of the flagship LMS in Washington DC! She and Jane are now creating the same resource of Infant and Postpartum Support for the San Antonio community.

Jane is the co-owner and case manager with over 23 years of teaching and education experience. Jane loved being a classroom teacher especially relishing her role as an academic interventionist. In fact, her skills translate perfectly to the beautiful partnerships we strive to have with newborn care providers and parents. As Jane says, Communication, early intervention and supporting solutions that work for each individual family are core education values.

Additionally, Jane is married to a Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner (CRNP) Derek, who is a crucial part of the night nanny and postpartum doula recruitment process.

Who are Night Nurses and Postpartum Doulas?

San Antonio joins 2 other Texas franchise locations in Dallas and Houston. It’s the 14th franchise in the Let Mommy Sleep system. All of our certified newborn care providers, baby nurses (RN) and postpartum doulas take the same nationally recognized training. This means they’ve received evidence-based newborn and postpartum support (NAPS) certification as well as safe-sleep, breastfeeding and first aid and CPR certs. All education is vetted and approved by a third party medical advisory board.

Last but not least, Jasmin is a mom of 2 boys and Jane is a mother of 3. While you don’t have to be a parent to understand the importance of sleep and safety, both owners often call on their personal memories to serve new families. Peace of mind and experience create those trusted connections with our families…and your babies.

Flag of Texas with Let Mommy Sleep lamp logo on the star
Let Mommy Sleep of San Antonio, Houston and Dallas

Get to Know Wichita’s Expert Baby Company

updated, April 20, 2024 – Veteran Let Mommy Sleep owner and mom of 3 Erin Thomas Walker has a personal passion and the experience it takes to serve new parents in the ICT! Get to Know Wichita’s Expert Baby Company below, and learn more about this elite night nanny, night nurse and postpartum doula team!

Get to Know Wichita’s Expert Baby Company – Recommended by Midwives and Birth Doulas

An excellent OB/GYN or midwife and pediatrician are a crucial part of your birth plan, but don’t forget the postpartum phase! We’re Wichita’s Expert Baby Company of postpartum doulas, night nannies, nurses and Certified Newborn Care Providers (NCP).

Get to Know Wichita's Expert Baby Company

What Kind of Newborn and Postpartum Support is Offered?

As Wichita’s expert baby care company, we offer the following support:

  • Baby Basics Classes – In home or virtual infant care instruction including how to help your baby get on a schedule. Our Nurses also teach diapering, swaddling and other baby care basics. Don’t worry, you’ll learn about infant sleep too!
  • Overnight Postpartum Doulas – You’ll get peace of mind knowing your newborn is in the caring hands of a professional Certified Newborn Care Provider (NCP)
  • Postpartum Home Visits – RN visits mean your families gets early intervention in infant feeding and recuperation, therefore minimizing hospital readmissions. As a bridge between birth and the 6-week OB/GYN visit, a visit from a Registered Nurse helps the entire family. Baby care and parent care are crucial to maternal health and positive mental health outcomes.

As the Industry Leaders in newborn and postpartum care, these Wichita baby experts have garnered lots of local attention. The team of postpartum doulas, night nannies and baby company experts have appeared on CBS affiliate KWCH-TV, AOL and in the Wichita Eagle.

Get to Know Wichita’s Expert Baby Company – More of Wichita’s Newborn Care Resources

In addition to newborn care, parents in Wichita might need other specialized resources. Here are some important ones serving Derby, El Dorado, Andover, Bel Aire, Winfield, Goddard, Maize, Hutchinson, Haysville and beyond:

Wichita Midwives such as Miracle Moments Midwifery, a birthing practice specializing in deliveries outside of hospitals. While preparing for pregnancy with a Wichita OB/GYN is important, researching a midwife or birthing center may also be important to persepctive parents.

Wichita Area Parents of Multiples – WAPOM is a non-profit organization. They are committed to offering support, social events, resources and education to families with twins, triplets or higher order multiples. They serve families in the Wichita area.

Postpartum Support KS – Postpartum Support KS is part of Postpartum Support International. Their mission, as stated on their site is to increase awareness, education, prevention, and treatment of perinatal mental health issues affecting individuals, their families, and support systems in all areas of Kansas.

Families Together Inc. – Families Together, Inc. is dedicated to helping families with children who have disabilities or special health care needs. If you need support navigating school services, health care or community resources, let them know. They serve the whole state of Kansas.

Proud To Be A Cribs For Kids Safe Sleep Partner!

Welcoming a newborn into your life is exciting and life-changing! As a new parent, you might find yourself in need of professional assistance, especially the first few weeks postpartum, and that’s okay! That’s where certified newborn care providers (NCP) come in. In this blog, Proud To Be A Cribs For Kids Safe Sleep Partner! we explore what it means to be a certified newborn care provider. Additionally, how being a trusted partner of Cribs for Kids, gives parents peace of mind that their newborns are receiving the highest level of safe care from Let Mommy Sleep.

Proud To Be A Cribs For Kids Safe Sleep Partner! – What’s Cribs for Kids?

From The mission of Cribs for Kids® is to prevent infant sleep-related deaths by educating parents and caregivers on the importance of practicing safe sleep for their babies and by providing portable cribs to families who, otherwise, cannot afford a safe place for their babies to sleep.

Cribs for Kids has been advocating for safe sleep practices and educating parents and the public since 1998. This incredibly important work led them to become a nationally recognized non-profit in 2002 and while still keeping education at the forefront of the mission, the organization decided to help in a more concrete way- by making sure that every baby that needs one has a safe sleeping environment! This means actually distributing safe cribs and partnering with public safety community organizations through their National Public Safety Initiative. Let Mommy Sleep is PROUD to be a community partner!

Proud To Be A Cribs For Kids Safe Sleep Partner!- Understanding the Role of a Certified Newborn Care Provider

Becoming a certified newborn care provider (NCP) involves training to support new parents and their infants during the postpartum period. This training is overseen by a third party Advisory Board and has been used by county and statewide education programs. The services provided to you by our specialized night nannies and postpartum doulas include:

  1. Overnight Newborn Care: Certified providers have the expertise to provide your newborn or twins diapering, and soothing techniques.
  2. Breastfeeding and Bottle Feeding Support: Non judgmental guidance and evidence based support for you, whatever feeding methods are used.
  3. Postpartum Care: Assisting new mothers and fathers with postpartum recovery and mental health monitoring, meaning mobility support post c-section, screening for postpartum depression and more.
  4. Infant Safe Sleep: Ensuring a safe sleep environment to minimize the risk of SIDS; a crucial aspect of professional newborn care.
  5. Safe Care of Twins and Multiples: Your twins may arrive prematurely. Feeding and caring for your twins at the same time means understanding specific safety and feeding techniques. Did you know twins usually eat every 2 hours? This means 24 feeds in 24 hours!
Proud To Be A Cribs For Kids Safe Sleep Partner!
Proud To Be A Cribs For Kids Safe Sleep Partner!

Two Trusted Names in Certified Newborn Care and Safe Sleep

Let Mommy Sleep is a renowned provider of certified newborn care services, trusted by thousands of families across America. Our nurses, night nannies and postpartum doulas are expected to be experienced upon hire. To ensure they are adhering to the highest standards of care, they also undergo training to become certified in newborn care. This means they can support you with evidence-based education and compassion. Here’s what that means for you:

  1. Newborn Care: Let Mommy Sleep’s caregivers are experienced in handling newborns with care, ensuring their comfort and well-being.
  2. Helping Baby Get into a Routine: Healthy sleep patterns for both your baby and you are important if that’s your goal? Establishing a routine or schedule promotes better sleep for everyone.
  3. Breastfeeding Support: The Let Mommy Sleep team includes lactation consultants who offer invaluable assistance to breastfeeding mothers.
  4. Postpartum Care: They provide physical and emotional support to new mothers, aiding in their recovery and mental well-being.
  5. Safety: What sets Let Mommy Sleep apart is going above and beyond in their commitment to safety and safe sleep. As a Cribs for Kids Safe Sleep Partner, we prioritize creating a secure sleep environment for your newborns and infants. All of our night nannies, newborn caregivers and postpartum doulas adhere to Cribs for Kids’ guidelines and are Safe Sleep Ambassadors.
Mom placing baby safely to sleep on a firm flat mattress.

Proud To Be A Cribs For Kids Safe Sleep Partner! – The Importance of Safe Sleep Partners

In a time where there’s no license to care for infants, Let Mommy Sleep’s partnership with Cribs for Kids is a testament to our dedication to providing the highest standards of newborn care. Being a Cribs for Kids Safe Sleep Partner means we’re fully committed to ensuring the safest sleep environment for your baby. Further, in a time where social media can muddy the educational waters, we actively promote evidence-based education and awareness regarding safe sleep practices. As partners, we’re able to promote evidence-based safe sleep practices to a wider audience of expecting and new parents.

Lastly, as we always say, Just because they sell it, doesn’t mean it’s safe! There are so many products on the market that are not safe for infant sleep. In fact, baby gear such as loungers, sleepers and swings which place baby on an incline can cause a risk of suffocation. This is due to the incline at which baby is placed; their airways can become blocked if they lean forward. For this reason, the only safe sleep environment for baby is alone on their backs on a firm, flat mattress free of toys, blankets or other items.