
The role of the Registered Nurse or Newborn Care Provider is to feed, soothe, bathe, change & provide all other gentle care to baby through the night.

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Postpartum and Baby Care in the Las Vegas Valley

updated October 14, 2023 – Social media groups, places of worship and neighborhood message boards can help new parents connect. But for new mothers and fathers looking for certified newborn care providers, postpartum doulas or maternal mental health support, local resources may be harder to find. To help, below is our list of Postpartum and […]

Should I Host an Au Pair?

Should I Host an Au Pair? answers parents’ frequently asked questions about au pairs so you can see if this international childcare option is right for you, your newborn and your family. Should I Host an Au Pair? How does a family actually host an au pair? The first thing to do is register with […]

Your First Night Home: Newborn Diapering and Bathing

To conclude our three part, “Your First Night Home with Baby” series, here are the most common diapering and bathing questions our Night Nurses and Newborn Care Providers receive. Your First Night Home: Newborn Diapering and Bathing answers FAQ’s about clothing, bathing and circumcision care when transitioning your newborn from hospital to home. Your First […]

Self Care Plan for Moms & Caregivers

As a counselor to new mothers and caregivers, Christina M. Schultz, MA has seen many women experience, “caregiver burnout” or complete fatigue, exhaustion, depression, resentment, loss of identity, and sense of low self-worth.  To help those who may be at risk of burnout, Schultz has created this Self Care Plan for Moms & Caregivers. I often hear […]

Tummy Time Troubles Solved

updated, Sept 15 2023 – Parents often hear about the importance of tummy time, yet overwhelmingly report their babies don’t want to do it! Tummy Time Troubles Solved has tips to help baby enjoy tummy time. Why Does Your Newborn Need Tummy Time? Newborns and infants often seem uncomfortable with being placed on their bellies […]