
The role of the Registered Nurse or Newborn Care Provider is to feed, soothe, bathe, change & provide all other gentle care to baby through the night.

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10 Steps to Safe Sleep for Baby

Safe Sleep Guidelines including the American Academy of Pediatrics updated recommendations on June 21, 2022.

What’s a Night Nanny?

There are lots of terms for a helper that supports new babies and their parents overnight such as postpartum doula, newborn care provider and baby nurse. The term “Nurse” is protected in most states and should only be used by an actual licensed Nurse, but the other titles describe similar support roles. So, let’s start […]

Baby Sleep Schedule for a 10-11 Month Old

Many parents are looking for a routine to help their baby have a consistent daytime routine and eventually sleep through the night. Baby Sleep Schedule for a 10-11 Month Old provides a sample to get started. Baby Sleep Schedule for a 10-11 Month Old This is the latest in our social sleep consult series and […]

Baby Sleep: Naps Decoded

Updates, Aug 1, 2023 – Few infant sleep issues are as frustrating as naps. We break down baby’s awake and sleep cycles week by week here in Baby Sleep: Naps Decoded to help you understand when baby is ready for a rest. This allows for more sleep and fewer meltdowns. Baby Sleep: Naps Decoded – […]

Sample Schedule for a 5-6 Month Old Baby

“What should my baby’s schedule look like?” is one of those questions for which there are a lot of right answers.  Being “on a schedule” is usually just a matter of following baby’s natural cycle; it shouldn’t feel forced or like a stand-off between parent and baby, and there are as many versions of a […]