
The role of the Registered Nurse or Newborn Care Provider is to feed, soothe, bathe, change & provide all other gentle care to baby through the night.

Home » Baby Sleep » Page 4

Top 3 Infant Sleep Myths

We hear them at playgroups and baby showers, see them on message boards and read them on medicine bottles.  Parental Urban Legends add more confusion to new parents’ already overloaded brains and with no basis in fact, they persist like Mikey and Pop Rocks.  Here are our Top 3 Infant Sleep Myths and solutions that […]

Sample Sleep Schedule for a 6-7 Month Old

We’re often asked about “Getting Baby on a Schedule” here at LMS.  While baby’s routine is something that naturally emerges if we follow baby’s lead, it’s understandable that the rest of the family can benefit from predictable feeding and sleep times.    Below is a sample schedule for a typical 6/7 month old baby.  This […]

The Four Month Sleep Regression Explained

Registered Nurse Pam Jones has been helping new babies and parents since 2009. We collaborated with Pam on The Four Month Sleep Regression Explained, to help parents and nannies understand how to help baby sleep peacefully during and after this milestone. In order to understand what’s happening to your baby during this stage, we first […]

ABC’s of Safe Sleep

Since the Back to Sleep campaign began in 1994, it has become widely known that babies sleeping on their backs instead of their bellies helps reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). ABC’s of Safe Sleep is an easy way to remember how to help newborns and infants sleep safely. An example of what a […]