
The role of the Registered Nurse or Newborn Care Provider is to feed, soothe, bathe, change & provide all other gentle care to baby through the night.

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Your First Night Home: Newborn Sleep

Updated Feb 1, 2022- One of the great joys we have here at Let Mommy Sleep is transitioning first time parents home from the hospital with their newborns.  This blog, Your First Night Home with Baby: Newborn Sleep, is the first of our three part series, “Your First Night Home with Baby,” and answers our most […]

How to Ease Daylight Saving Sleep Loss

updated March 5, 2025 – Yes, it’s just an hour. But when you’re the parent of a newborn, infant or baby twins, it’s a crucial hour! In 2025, we spring forward on March 9 at 2am, so while we lose an hour, babies who used to wake up at 5am now wake up at 6am […]

The NoClock Nursing Method

There’s a LOT of advice about how long and how much a newborn should be breastfeeding so the No Clock Method might sound a little funny. But as Heidi Streufert, RN and former La Leche League Leader explains: “My best advice to postpartum parents is to throw away the clock at least for the first […]

Why Your Baby Wakes Overnight

Our team gets lots of questions about how to help babies to sleep through the night! Sometimes when babies “should” be old enough to sleep 8 hour stretches, there are 3 main reasons why they don’t. Why Your Baby Wakes Overnight can help infants and parents sleep peacefully. Why Your Baby Wakes Overnight 1. Why […]

Sleep Tips for Baby During Travel

updated, December 2, 2023 – Baby’s sleep habits and routines are often thrown out the window during travel but they don’t have to be! Sleep Tips for Baby During Travel can help your newborn, infant and you sleep soundly while visiting family or taking a vacation. Safe sleep, preparation and keeping your baby’s schedule consistent […]