
The role of the Registered Nurse or Newborn Care Provider is to feed, soothe, bathe, change & provide all other gentle care to baby through the night.

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What’s a Night Nanny?

There are lots of terms for a helper that supports new babies and their parents overnight such as postpartum doula, newborn care provider and baby nurse. The term “Nurse” is protected in most states and should only be used by an actual licensed Nurse, but the other titles describe similar support roles. So, let’s start […]

Baby Tip of the Day!

We’re posting one tip per day on social media so expecting and new parents don’t get information overload! We hope you enjoy Baby Tip of the Day! Experts, you can always send your tips and videos to us too! What’s Baby Tip of the Day: 2022 – 2023 Edition! Same concept, one piece of tangible […]

360 Canister Breathing

Diastasis recti is a very common result of pregnancy and birth. It means that the space between your left and right belly muscles has widened, and instead of being flat, the belly now sticks out. While it is rarely serious, it can make the postpartum phase a self-conscious one. Core exercises like 360 canister breathing […]

50 Activities for Baby by Chicago’s Postpartum Doulas

updated June 2, 2024 – As a Postpartum doula and night nanny my biggest piece of advice to new parents is to get out and enjoy the Chicago summers. I know this may be easier said than done, but much can be accomplished with the guidance of your night nurse. Check out our list of […]

Pregnancy and Postpartum Resources during COVID19

Since this was first written, we’ve taken to calling it “COVID” instead of coronavirus and have updated as needed. The information remains the same however and Pregnancy and Postpartum Resources during COVID19 includes evidence-based information for expecting and new parents. We will continue to provide information from primary sources on our Facebook and Twitter feeds and we […]