
The role of the Registered Nurse or Newborn Care Provider is to feed, soothe, bathe, change & provide all other gentle care to baby through the night.

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Questions to Ask When Hiring a Night Nanny or Postpartum Doula

Considering hiring help when your newborn or twins arrive? Before the interview, it might be helpful to think about what aspects of baby care will be most helpful to you. Questions to Ask When Hiring a Night Nanny or Postpartum Doula is a starting point for families considering in-home care of their newborns, infants or twins.

Baby Nurse Joy at a certified newborn care training
Joy, LPN has lots of experience with twins and multiples!

Questions to Ask When Hiring a Night Nanny or Postpartum Doula – Overview

Family preferences to consider before you begin the search for newborn care:

  • Daytime nanny versus overnight newborn care
  • Importance of supporting your feeding and parenting choices
  • What type of infant care experience or certifications matter to you
  • What are your goals and expectations for infant sleep?

Questions to Ask When Hiring a Night Nanny or Postpartum Doula

Would daytimes or overnight newborn care be more helpful for my family?

A daytime nanny who can do household tasks and help look after older kids as well as the newborn might be your perfect postpartum solution. A night nanny whose goal is for you to get as much sleep as possible could also be your main support. Day or nighttime care are both enormously helpful of course, and the decision usually comes down to personal factors. For example, a parent whose partner is returning to work may opt for a night nanny if they are “on” 24 hours a day. Parents with older kids might opt for a daytime nanny so they can have one-on-one time their older children.

Do I want help breastfeeding, pumping or bottle feeding?

Newborn breastfeeding support can be invaluable to new parents as breastfeeding is about more than just “the milk.” If you’re open to nursing, it will only help to have lactation teaching in place before your baby arrives. If using formula, having a caregiver who is nonjudgemental and well versed in bottle feeding is vital too. Infant feeding decisions may evolve over time and don’t have to be all or nothing either.

Newborn and Postpartum Experience and Philosophy

What kind of newborn and postpartum care experience matters to me? 

The care of babies 0-1 year old is a specific area of expertise. Whatever name you use, postpartum doula, newborn care provider or night nanny, the caregiver should be able to easily demonstrate thorough knowledge of newborn and infant care. This means swaddling, safe sleep, reducing the risk of SIDS, appropriate feeding and soothing techniques.

Learning about a postpartum doulas or newborn care providers experience is perhaps the best way to know if they’re a fit with your family. For example, just because someone has taken a newborn care training class doesn’t mean they have ever held a real baby. On the same note, there are many experienced twin nannies who have never had formal training!

It’s important to pause here and note that only professionals who have completed Registered Nursing, Licensed Practical Nursing, Certified Nurse Midwife or other higher level Licensed Nursing degrees should be called “nurse” or “baby nurse.” While the term is a colloquial norm, it’s actually illegal in most states for a newborn caregiver to use the “baby nurse” title without clinical licensure.

Questions to Ask When Hiring a Night Nanny or Postpartum Doula

Approaches to Infant Sleep and Daily Care

Do I want someone to help my baby sleep through the night, or will I be more of a ‘go with the flow’ type when it comes to infant sleep? 

Sleeping through the night is often seen as the “finish line” in infant care, especially when newborn twins arrive. This is because parents are returning to work, have older kids they need to be present for or simply can’t function safely if sleep deprived. On the other hand, a baby-led approach to sleep is also fine (and completely normal in many other parts of the world, but that’s for a different blog)! Either way, a newborn caregiver who understands and supplements your sleep philosophy means consistency of care. It will be helpful to think about how you feel about sleep training, attachment parenting or getting baby on a schedule before baby arrives.

There are many titles for your support person; postpartum doula, newborn care provider, night nanny and baby nurse. Unless a Registered Nurse or medical care is specifically needed, the title your newborn support person uses probably isn’t that important. The most important thing is that you have helpful and reliable care during the postpartum phase; for you, your infant and your family.

Tummy Time Troubles Solved

updated, Sept 15 2023 – Parents often hear about the importance of tummy time, yet overwhelmingly report their babies don’t want to do it! Tummy Time Troubles Solved has tips to help baby enjoy tummy time.

Why Does Your Newborn Need Tummy Time?

Newborns and infants often seem uncomfortable with being placed on their bellies when they’re awake, so why do we do it? Babies spend a LOT of time sleeping. And since it’s been proven that placing babies on their backs to sleep for the first year is one of the best ways to minimize the risk of SIDS, they also spend a LOT of time on their backs. Because of this, we need to give newborns and infants opportunities to exercise their next and shoulder muscles. Stronger muscles = healthier and safer babies!

So yes, tummy time is your baby’s workout and just like us, sometimes they don’t feel like working out! With slight but important adjustments though, infants can have comfortable, yet productive play and exercise.  

Infant expert Terri Lee Weatherholtz, M.A, CCC-SLP, CDA says: “the time an infant is awake on the floor should consist of 50% back and 50% tummy time.” There’s no exact rules on when to begin tummy time sessions with your baby. Chances are it’s something you and your baby are doing together naturally anyway! As a guideline however, the NIH says you can start with 3-5 minute sessions 2-3 days after baby is born, and this is an accepted rule of thumb.

Tummy Time Troubles Solved
RN Noelle explains, Tummy Time Troubles Solved

Tummy Time Troubles Solved – Steps for Success

  1. Roll a thin baby blanket long ways (no more than 3-4 inches thick)
  2. Place it on the floor
  3. Place your baby, tummy down, on the blanket so that his arms are out in front of him on one side of the blanket.  His chest (nipple level) should be resting on the blanket with the sides of the blanket under his arms. Makes sure his neck is not on the blanket! This little lift redistributes his weight backwards off his tummy and makes tummy time a little more comfortable. You want his arms out front bearing weight.
  4. With an open hand stroke firmly from the back of their head all the way down to their tush. This stimulates the muscle that helps them raise their head!
  5. Get down on the floor for some face to face time and encourage head lifting with smiles and talking!

Another way to help tummy time be a fun activity is to lay on your back with baby on your chest, so you’re face to face. With a gentle hold on baby for safety of course, baby will be motivated to look “up” at your face. 

It’s perfectly fine if tummy time only lasts 5 minutes or less some days.  Eventually continuing the routine a few times a day for longer periods though, helps your baby equate “tummy time” with happy, social time. For answers to more early care questions, visit our new parent resources.

Creating a Safe Nursery for Baby

Designing the nursery is a wonderful way to connect with baby before birth but the most important part of nursery planning is safety. Creating a Safe Nursery for Baby shows you how to make a nursery that is as cute as your newborn but still practical and safe.

Creating a Safe Nursery for Your Baby

Creating a Safe Nursery for Baby

Toxic Fumes

  • You should paint your nursery with low-odor interior paint, and do so early enough so any odors can fade. The same is a good idea with the nursery furniture. Put it together with plenty of time to spare and be sure that only non-toxic paint has been used.
  • Air out the new crib mattress until baby needs to sleep there.
  • Leave all furniture drawers open to air them out until needed.
  • Consider hardwood flooring vs. carpeting to reduce dust and odors. Purchase an area rug that is sturdy and practical, as it will likely be a play area for tummy time.

Window Safety

  • Childproof all nursery windows with window stops or window guards.
  • Hang curtains or other wall dressings with properly secured materials, installing them into wall studs and/or with dry wall anchors. Never use tension rods!
  • Secure blinds with long, exposed cords to reduce risk of strangulation.


  • Anchor all furniture to the walls to make sure it doesn’t tip over, including the changing table. Materials for this are very inexpensive but potentially life-saving. Be sure to anchor into wall studs.
  • Consider floating shelves instead of bookcases.
  • Cribs should have only a fitted sheet. No stuffed animals, breathable crib bumpers only and be set up following 
    American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines

Creating a Safe Nursery for Baby – More Tips

  • Consider adding a ceiling fan, which has been shown to help reduce the risk of SIDS.
  • Never hang a mobile too close to the crib, as little fingers can pull on them and potentially injure themselves.
  • Childproof all electrical outlets with plastic outlet protectors.
  • Avoid floor lamps, which can tip over or be pulled over.
  • Install and regularly check smoke detectors.
  • Install a baby monitor.
  • Remember that twins and multiples need to sleep in their own cribs

Having these safety measures in place will reassure you that your little one is secure, comfortable, and safe. With this in place, in conjunction with cute and sweet décor, you can rest easily!

Sleep Tips for Baby During Travel

updated, December 2, 2023 – Baby’s sleep habits and routines are often thrown out the window during travel but they don’t have to be! Sleep Tips for Baby During Travel can help your newborn, infant and you sleep soundly while visiting family or taking a vacation. Safe sleep, preparation and keeping your baby’s schedule consistent will make your trip easy on the whole family.

mom and dad in restaurant smiling while mom holds baby. Staying on baby's time is one of the Sleep Tips for Baby During Travel

Practice at home

Many times babies are not used to sleeping anywhere except the crib, so you can put baby in a travel bed or pack-n-play for naptime at home in the weeks leading up to the trip. By doing this, the novelty of being in a new sleep environment will wear off. You’re also controlling the sleep situation, ensuring that your baby is in a safe sleep environment; alone on a firm flat mattress and staying flat on their back.

Keep sleep routine as close to home as possible to help baby feel safe and secure.

  • Dress your baby in the familiar, cozy clothes they’re accustomed to.
  • If renting a full-sized travel crib from a hotel, bring bedsheets from your baby’s crib at home to recreate familiar sleep environment.
  • Sing the same bedtime songs you sing at home and read favorite books.

Once at the destination, do not rely on carseats for safe sleep.While it is tempting to let a sleeping baby spend the night by in carseat or stroller, the only safe sleep spot for newborns and infants up to age 1 is alone, on a firm flat mattress and laying flat on their back. Sleeping alone means the area should also be free of toys and blankets.

Try to stay on baby’s time.

If possible, try to keep naptimes and bedtimes as close to the same schedule as at home.

When traveling across time zones, gradually adjust baby’s bedtime in the days leading up to the trip. This means putting your baby to sleep 10-15 minutes earlier every 2 or 3 days for about 2 weeks if you’re traveling to a time zone that is earlier. Do the reverse and keep your infant up a little later by 10-15 minutes in the weeks prior to traveling to a time zone where the time is ahead.

Some parents like to travel at night so baby can sleep and wake up in destination refreshed. This can lead to an exhausting first day of the trip for you. But if you can “tag-team” with your partner by alternating napping and caring for baby during the first day, then traveling at night could be a possibility.

Slow it down.

Don’t expect to have a jam-packed sight seeing schedule. All the new sights, sounds, and experiences are very stimulating and exciting for baby. Baby could get fussy if overstimulated and too exhausted. As OG infant sleep expert Dr. Weissbluth has said, sleep begets sleep. Keeping baby awake longer than his/her bodies need may work for one night or one nap, but fighting against baby’s natural rhythms leads to meltdown.

Sleep Tips for Baby During Travel – Stay Strong When Well Meaning -or not well meaning- Folks Offer Unhelpful Advice!

Whether you’re a parent or not, visiting family around the holidays can mean hearing lots of unsolicited opinions. Stay strong when these opinions aren’t helpful or safe! Block it out if you’re nursing and someone snarkily says, “She’s breastfeeding again?!” And ignore those who say “All my kids slept on their stomachs and they’re fine!”

Public vs Private Cord Blood Banking: What’s the Difference?

updated March 1, 2022 – Public and private cord banks serve very different purposes. Learn which would be more beneficial to you and your family in Public vs Private Cord Blood Banking: What’s the Difference?

Where should you bank your baby’s cord blood?

After the birth of a baby, the umbilical cord and placenta are typically discarded as medical waste, but if requested, stem cells from the cord blood inside of them can be collected for storage or donation. Stem cells can be used to treat a variety of diseases

Clearly, it is advantageous to save cord blood stem cells, but it can be confusing to decide where to store them. There are currently two options: public cord blood banks and private cord blood banks. Public and private banks serve very different purposes, and it is important to know which type of bank would be more beneficial to you and your family.

Private Cord Blood Banking

Private cord blood banks allow families to store cord blood stem cells for themselves and their loved ones. They are privately funded, and typically charge a first-year processing fee that ranges from about $1,400 to $2,300, plus annual storage costs of about $115 to $150. Americord offers cord blood banking for a one-time fee of $2,999, which includes 20 years of storage, courier, processing fees. 

The pros and cons of private cord blood banking are listed below.


  • You own your baby’s stem cells and therefore you are the only person who can decide who can use them
  • Stem cell transplants from a related family member are less likely to be rejected, therefore having your baby’s stem cells available makes it less likely you would have to search for an unrelated donor who is a match
  • The success rates of using related cord blood for transplants are twice that of using cord blood from a public donor for transplants
  • Most private cord blood banks will pay all of the fees associated with transporting the stored cord blood to the necessary medical facility if it is needed for a transplant


  • There is a fee for collection and storage
  • In some cases, there is a risk that the cord blood collected from a baby contains the disease that is being treated, so it cannot be used

If you or your partner has a family history of a disease that is treatable with stem cells, or if a family member is currently in need of a stem cell transplant, private cord blood banking could be the right choice for you.

Public Cord Blood Banking

Public cord blood banks offer free cord blood banking to anyone who meets their donation requirements. They are usually supported by federal or private funding, which is why they can perform these collections at no cost to the family. The pros and cons of public cord blood banking are listed below.


  • Cord blood banking is provided at no cost
  • Makes stem cells available to anyone who needs them
  • Makes it possible for people in need of a stem cell transplant to search for a match outside of their family


  • You no longer own the stem cells after you donate them, so they may not be available if you or your family ever need them
  • Public cord blood banks do not pay the fees associated with transporting the stored cord blood to the necessary medical facility if they are needed for a transplant, so if this is not covered by your insurance, it could be very costly to use stem cells from a public cord blood bank
  • 60% of cord blood donations are discarded for not meeting processing and storage requirements[1]
  • Not all hospitals work with public cord blood banks, therefore, depending on where you give birth, it may or may not be possible to donate to a public cord blood bank

[1] “Prospective Donor FAQ.” – National Cord Blood Program. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2016.

Public vs Private Cord Blood Banking
Cord Blood Banking

In addition to cord blood banking, learn more about what to expect when giving birth in a hospital, and potential birth interventions.