
The role of the Registered Nurse or Newborn Care Provider is to feed, soothe, bathe, change & provide all other gentle care to baby through the night.

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Choking First Aid for Infants

Choking is a common cause of injury and death in children. While this is scary, the good news is that choking is usually preventable. If you do observe a baby choking, follow the steps below in Choking First Aid for Infants and call 911. You can also learn more first aid skills before baby arrives […]

Baby Milestones: Updated

Last week, the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics, (AAP) revised developmental milestones for children age 2 months to 5 years. The purpose of the updates is to help parents identify autism and developmental delays in their children, so that helpful interventions may occur earlier. Early intervention is a key factor in allowing children […]

ABC’s of Safe Sleep

Since the Back to Sleep campaign began in 1994, it has become widely known that babies sleeping on their backs instead of their bellies helps reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). ABC’s of Safe Sleep is an easy way to remember how to help newborns and infants sleep safely. An example of what a […]

Baby Monitor App Safety

In this digital age of parenting, baby monitors and apps for smartphones are the norm. As with anything connected to wi-fi, they’re not perfectly safe though. We’ve all read stories where hackers have yelled at babies or turned on the camera to watch what’s happening in the nursery.  Breastfeeding moms, sleeping babies and families going […]

CPSC tips to Prevent Tip-Overs

In the United States, a child dies about every 11 days when a TV, furniture, or appliance falls on them.  14,000 children are injured every year. About 70 percent of tip-over fatalities involve children ages 1 1/2 to 3 years old and these incidents are preventable.   The Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) Anchor It! Campaign educates parents […]