
The role of the Registered Nurse or Newborn Care Provider is to feed, soothe, bathe, change & provide all other gentle care to baby through the night.

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Your First Night Home: Newborn Sleep

Updated Feb 1, 2022- One of the great joys we have here at Let Mommy Sleep is transitioning first time parents home from the hospital with their newborns.  This blog, Your First Night Home with Baby: Newborn Sleep, is the first of our three part series, “Your First Night Home with Baby,” and answers our most […]

The NoClock Nursing Method

There’s a LOT of advice about how long and how much a newborn should be breastfeeding so the No Clock Method might sound a little funny. But as Heidi Streufert, RN and former La Leche League Leader explains: “My best advice to postpartum parents is to throw away the clock at least for the first […]

How to Swaddle Like a Pro

Swaddling is an excellent way to soothe your baby and the ideal way to help baby stay asleep at night.   We sometimes hear from parents that their newborn does not like to be swaddled, but often we find that baby is just not swaddled snugly enough.  Swaddling allows babies to feel the comfort of […]

Your First Night Home: Newborn Diapering and Bathing

To conclude our three part, “Your First Night Home with Baby” series, here are the most common diapering and bathing questions our Night Nurses and Newborn Care Providers receive. Your First Night Home: Newborn Diapering and Bathing answers FAQ’s about clothing, bathing and circumcision care when transitioning your newborn from hospital to home. Your First […]