
The role of the Registered Nurse or Newborn Care Provider is to feed, soothe, bathe, change & provide all other gentle care to baby through the night.

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Essential Guide to Baby Bottles

There are a few pros and cons to choosing what and how many baby bottles to use, especially if you’re having twins or higher order multiples. The amount of bottles, sizes and weight, environmental concerns, compatibility with a pump and budget are all considerations when deciding which bottles to use. Don’t worry, our essential guide […]

7 Power Breakfasts for New Parents

updated Oct 20, 2024 – Everyone has a favorite dinner they like to bring new parents when a new baby is born, but you can be a real hero by bringing breakfast! Here are 7 Power Breakfasts for New Parents, packed with nutrients for parents of newborns and twins. Whether you’re a postpartum doulas, night […]

All the Infant Sleep Schedules in One Place

You might be highly respected in your career, an organizational whiz everywhere else in your life, or a Type-A genius. Your baby does not care! Because these babies do whatever they please, new parents often seek routines and schedules; humans love predictability! So our team of Night Nannies and Baby Nurses made these Infant Sleep […]

Ultimate Guide to Baby Sleep Training

One of the most asked questions our postpartum doulas and newborn caregivers receive is if we can help newborns get on a routine, and infants sleeping through the night. It’s totally normal that parents crave a predictable schedule when their babies arrive! And there are a lot of right answers when it comes to caring for […]