
The role of the Registered Nurse or Newborn Care Provider is to feed, soothe, bathe, change & provide all other gentle care to baby through the night.

Home » Safety & First Aide

Measles: What Expecting & New Parents Need to Know

This post, Measles: What Expecting & New Parents Need to Know was written by Laura Hegarty-Moore, RN, MPH, CIC. Laura is an Infection Preventionist at Baystate Health as well as a Registered Nurse, mother of 2, longtime LMS contributor and a member of our Advisory Board serving in the role of Public Health Advisor. With […]

Introducing the National NAPS Registry for Night Doulas

When Let Mommy Sleep opened 14 years ago, we solely hired Certified Nursing Assistants, Medical Technicians, Nurses and clinically licensed professionals. As time went on however, we realized that recruiting needed to include wonderful newborn nannies, infant-room daycare providers, twins experts and postpartum doulas. These caregivers have great experience, but don’t always have formal training. […]

Why You Want a Birthing Friendly Hospital

In June 2022 the White House unveiled the Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis, which aims for better birth outcomes. Successes of the blueprint include expanded Medicaid postpartum coverage and increased access to care. One of the most powerful improvements however, is the Birthing-Friendly Hospital designation. This blog, Why You Want a Birthing Friendly […]

Proud To Be A Cribs For Kids Safe Sleep Partner!

Welcoming a newborn into your life is exciting and life-changing! As a new parent, you might find yourself in need of professional assistance, especially the first few weeks postpartum, and that’s okay! That’s where certified newborn care providers (NCP) come in. In this blog, Proud To Be A Cribs For Kids Safe Sleep Partner! we […]

Owlet’s New Sock Just Got Approved by the FDA

Remember the Owlet Smart Sock? The device would notify us parents and caregivers if our babies’ heart rates or oxygen levels were out of the normal range. While many parents reported the devices gave them peace of mind, Smart Socks were pulled from the shelves in 2021. This happened after violating the Federal Food, Drug, […]