
The role of the Registered Nurse or Newborn Care Provider is to feed, soothe, bathe, change & provide all other gentle care to baby through the night.

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Night Nannies Baby Registry Must-Haves for TWINS!

So you’re having twins, congratulations! It can all be overwhelming but don’t worry- we got you! Our team will help you get prepared with all the gear to welcome home your newborns below in Night Nannies Baby Registry Must-Haves for TWINS! Night Nannies Baby Registry Must-Haves for TWINS! Yes you need a double stroller, 2 […]

Sleep Travel Tips for Babies

Updated, November 21, 2023 – Your newborn and infant routines might get thrown out the window during travel. And that’s okay because travel is hard on adults too, and you might want to change things up to make sure everyone is happy. Here are five sleep travel tips for babies to help you minimize meltdowns […]

10 Steps to Safe Sleep for Baby

Safe Sleep Guidelines including the American Academy of Pediatrics updated recommendations on June 21, 2022.

What’s a Night Nanny?

There are lots of terms for a helper that supports new babies and their parents overnight such as postpartum doula, newborn care provider and baby nurse. The term “Nurse” is protected in most states and should only be used by an actual licensed Nurse, but the other titles describe similar support roles. So, let’s start […]

Chicago’s Most Trusted Postpartum Doula Certificate Now Available

updated, April 17, 2024 – Chicago’s Most Trusted Postpartum Doula Certificate Now Available shares the basics of our evidence based newborn care education. Successful completion of the Newborn and Postpartum Support (NAPS) curriculum also means students get listed on the national NAPS Registry. Chicago’s Most Trusted Postpartum Doula Certificate Now Available – Online Options Virtual […]