
The role of the Registered Nurse or Newborn Care Provider is to feed, soothe, bathe, change & provide all other gentle care to baby through the night.

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Night Nurses Answer Your Infant Sleep Questions

Updated, March, 13, 2023 – There are books, sleep consultants and time-worn advice out there to help babies sleep through the night. But the same questions still keep coming up over and over! Most of this is because, humans are all different but in this blog, Night Nurses Answer Your Infant Sleep Questions, we’ll do […]

Baby Sleep: Naps Decoded

Updates, Aug 1, 2023 – Few infant sleep issues are as frustrating as naps. We break down baby’s awake and sleep cycles week by week here in Baby Sleep: Naps Decoded to help you understand when baby is ready for a rest. This allows for more sleep and fewer meltdowns. Baby Sleep: Naps Decoded – […]

Top 3 Infant Sleep Myths

We hear them at playgroups and baby showers, see them on message boards and read them on medicine bottles.  Parental Urban Legends add more confusion to new parents’ already overloaded brains and with no basis in fact, they persist like Mikey and Pop Rocks.  Here are our Top 3 Infant Sleep Myths and solutions that […]

The Four Month Sleep Regression Explained

Registered Nurse Pam Jones has been helping new babies and parents since 2009. We collaborated with Pam on The Four Month Sleep Regression Explained, to help parents and nannies understand how to help baby sleep peacefully during and after this milestone. In order to understand what’s happening to your baby during this stage, we first […]