
The role of the Registered Nurse or Newborn Care Provider is to feed, soothe, bathe, change & provide all other gentle care to baby through the night.

Home » Feeding

Essential Guide to Baby Bottles

There are a few pros and cons to choosing what and how many baby bottles to use, especially if you’re having twins or higher order multiples. The amount of bottles, sizes and weight, environmental concerns, compatibility with a pump and budget are all considerations when deciding which bottles to use. Don’t worry, our essential guide […]

What’s Tongue Tie?

While there are four types of tongue-tie in babies, it is rarely a medical problem. However, being born with a slightly limited range of motion in the tongue can make feeding difficult.  Karen King, PCD-DONA, CLC explains how this easy-to-fix condition presents below in What’s Tongue Tie? While there are four types of tongue-tie in […]

6 Easy Tips to Help Your Reflux Baby

updated, November 12, 2023 – To help newborns and infants with reflux, we need to first understand what reflux is and then find comfort techniques.  Reflux is a backward flow of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus that causes heartburn. Our team of night nannies presents advice to help here, with 6 Easy […]

What Foods Should Be Avoided When Breastfeeding?

updated December 29, 2023 What Foods Should Be Avoided When Breastfeeding? is a common question for night nurses and lactation counselors. As the primary food source for their baby, it’s natural that a parent would worry that the foods they eat could irritate their newborns stomach, or affect milk production. But don’t worry, the short […]

The NoClock Nursing Method

There’s a LOT of advice about how long and how much a newborn should be breastfeeding so the No Clock Method might sound a little funny. But as Heidi Streufert, RN and former La Leche League Leader explains: “My best advice to postpartum parents is to throw away the clock at least for the first […]