Preventing Falls to Keep Baby Safe
updated June 6, 2022 – According to the CDC, unintentional falls are the number one cause of injury in children under three, and almost every parent can recall a time when baby unexpectedly pulled up, fell down or slipped. In Preventing Falls to Keep Baby Safe there are tips for new parents and anyone looking after newborns, infants, toddlers and kids.

Mom of 3 Micaela Williamson remembers this: “When my son was 7 months old, we took him to the zoo. With all the excitement of getting him in and out to see the animals, we forgot to buckle him back into his stroller. As I pushed the stroller down a hill, he slipped right out and landed on the asphalt.”
“Luckily baby was okay,” she adds, “but I became vigilant about double checking the stroller strap and always speak up when I see babies unstrapped in public.”
Tips for Preventing Falls to Keep Baby Safe
- When using baby gear; strollers, swings, and high chairs, always strap baby in correctly.
- Never put infant swings, bouncy chairs, or seats such as the Bumbo chair on a high surface. Always put them on the floor.
- Always keep one hand on baby and be attentive when baby is on a higher surface such as a bed or changing table. Even babies that cannot fully roll over can roll and fall off beds.
- Secure and lock all windows, and since mobile young children love to climb, be sure to move chairs and furniture away from windows.
- Install safety guards on any high stair railings or balconies that baby could fall through.
- Babies and toddlers love stairs! Teach your child to go down the stairs backwards, and keep staircases free of clutter. Also, always use safety gates around stairs. When installing a safety gate at the top of the stairs, it is recommended to always attach the gate to the wall.
- Pass on baby walkers and use stable activity centers instead. In fact, The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that walkers not be sold in the United States. This is because they put children at risk for injury. There are also no clear benefits.
- When using a stroller, avoid stairs or escalators. If stairs cannot be avoided, be sure to remove baby from the stroller. Then, have another individual carry the stroller or baby on the stairs.
- Babywearing is convenient and soothing for babies. Be certain to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using a carrier or wrap.
The world is a new and exciting place for babies to explore, but by taking these precautions, you can make it a whole lot safer. For more info on preventing falls, visit Creating a Safe Nursery
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