
The role of the Registered Nurse or Newborn Care Provider is to feed, soothe, bathe, change & provide all other gentle care to baby through the night.

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Sleep Travel Tips for Babies

Updated, November 21, 2023 – Your newborn and infant routines might get thrown out the window during travel. And that’s okay because travel is hard on adults too, and you might want to change things up to make sure everyone is happy. Here are five sleep travel tips for babies to help you minimize meltdowns […]

Sample Schedule for a 5-6 Month Old Baby

“What should my baby’s schedule look like?” is one of those questions for which there are a lot of right answers.  Being “on a schedule” is usually just a matter of following baby’s natural cycle; it shouldn’t feel forced or like a stand-off between parent and baby, and there are as many versions of a […]

Sample Sleep Schedule for a 6-7 Month Old

We’re often asked about “Getting Baby on a Schedule” here at LMS.  While baby’s routine is something that naturally emerges if we follow baby’s lead, it’s understandable that the rest of the family can benefit from predictable feeding and sleep times.    Below is a sample schedule for a typical 6/7 month old baby.  This […]

The NoClock Nursing Method

There’s a LOT of advice about how long and how much a newborn should be breastfeeding so the No Clock Method might sound a little funny. But as Heidi Streufert, RN and former La Leche League Leader explains: “My best advice to postpartum parents is to throw away the clock at least for the first […]