
The role of the Registered Nurse or Newborn Care Provider is to feed, soothe, bathe, change & provide all other gentle care to baby through the night.

Home » postpartum

Measles: What Expecting & New Parents Need to Know

This post, Measles: What Expecting & New Parents Need to Know was written by Laura Hegarty-Moore, RN, MPH, CIC. Laura is an Infection Preventionist at Baystate Health as well as a Registered Nurse, mother of 2, longtime LMS contributor and a member of our Advisory Board serving in the role of Public Health Advisor. With […]

Essential Guide to Baby Bottles

There are a few pros and cons to choosing what and how many baby bottles to use, especially if you’re having twins or higher order multiples. The amount of bottles, sizes and weight, environmental concerns, compatibility with a pump and budget are all considerations when deciding which bottles to use. Don’t worry, our essential guide […]

Expert Guide to Cloth Diapers

After 15 years of postpartum care of families, our night doulas and nurses have seen a lot of changes in cloth diapering! There are so many options that are convenient and eco-friendly and fit the different needs of newborns and their families. Don’t let all the choices feel overwhelming though! Let Mommy Sleep’s expert guide […]

Pelvic Floor 101: Pregnancy and Postpartum

Pelvic floor therapy has gained more attention recently. There’s a growing understanding of its importance in women’s health, particularly around pregnancy, childbirth, and aging. Historically, issues like incontinence or pelvic pain were underreported and under diagnosed. But with advances in medical research and honest conversations taking away the stigma of pelvic floor issues, we now […]