
The role of the Registered Nurse or Newborn Care Provider is to feed, soothe, bathe, change & provide all other gentle care to baby through the night.

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Measles: What Expecting & New Parents Need to Know

This post, Measles: What Expecting & New Parents Need to Know was written by Laura Hegarty-Moore, RN, MPH, CIC. Laura is an Infection Preventionist at Baystate Health as well as a Registered Nurse, mother of 2, longtime LMS contributor and a member of our Advisory Board serving in the role of Public Health Advisor. With […]

CDC Health Alert: Parechovirus in Newborns & Infants

The CDC has issued a health advisory that a particularly dangerous strain of parechovirus called PeV-A3 is currently circulating in the United States. CDC Health Alert: Parechovirus in Newborns & Infants describes this illness and how parents can keep their infants safe. CDC Health Alert: Parechovirus in Newborns & Infants As the CDC alert states: […]

Baby Milestones: Updated

Last week, the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics, (AAP) revised developmental milestones for children age 2 months to 5 years. The purpose of the updates is to help parents identify autism and developmental delays in their children, so that helpful interventions may occur earlier. Early intervention is a key factor in allowing children […]

Pregnancy and Postpartum Resources during COVID19

Since this was first written, we’ve taken to calling it “COVID” instead of coronavirus and have updated as needed. The information remains the same however and Pregnancy and Postpartum Resources during COVID19 includes evidence-based information for expecting and new parents. We will continue to provide information from primary sources on our Facebook and Twitter feeds and we […]