
The role of the Registered Nurse or Newborn Care Provider is to feed, soothe, bathe, change & provide all other gentle care to baby through the night.

Home » Baby Care Classes » Postpartum and New Parent Support in Boise, Idaho

Postpartum and New Parent Support in Boise, Idaho

updated February 20, 2025 – From the moment you learn you’re pregnant to those first months after your newborn arrives, you might have a few questions! Or need a little help. That’s all normal, so our certified doulas and night nanny team made this list for you. Bookmark Postpartum and New Parent Support in Boise, Idaho to be prepared for the arrival of your baby or twins.

Let Mommy Sleep's newborn and postpartum and new parent support in Boise, Idaho

Postpartum and New Parent Support in Boise, Idaho – Get Ready for Baby or Twins

  • Baby Basics Class in your home:  208-248-1050
  • Baby & Me Groups at St. Al’s: 208-367-3454
  • Car Seat Checks: locations throughout the area
  • La Leche League: 646-763-0872.
  • Maternal Mental Health Line: 833-TLC-MAMA call or text for immediate help
  • Moms Meet-Up at St.Luke’s: 208-381-9000
  • So You’re Having Twins Class: 208-248-1050
  • Parents of Twins Meet-Ups: Moms and dads of multiples can connect on Treasure Valley Parents of Multiples Facebook
  • Online Newborn Care Classes:
  • Idaho Care Line: 2-1-1 comprehensive resources and connection to social services
Postpartum and New Parent Support in Boise, Idaho

More about Newborn Education in Boise, Idaho

  • Baby Basics Classes – You and as many friends and family as you like can learn newborn and infant care from a Certified Newborn Care Provider or Registered Nurse. Class happens in your home, and then we stay on-call to answer your questions after baby arrives. In addition to answers to your baby care questions, you’ll learn so much more. Swaddling, Safe Sleep, First Aide and Safety, “what’s normal” for infant sleep, feeding and soothing are included.
  • Baby Twins Class – For parents expecting twins, Let Mommy Sleep Idaho offers newborn care classes specifically for you! For example, safe sleep with 2, newborn care and home organization tricks to make life with twins a little easier. We’ll also help you get the twins on the same schedule. This results in feeding and sleeping at the same time! And best of all, your insurance might cover this!
  • Online Newborn Care Classes – Is it hard to leave the house? That’s okay, these online classes in twin care, newborn care and home organization to prep for your baby are available! In fact, they can be more helpful because you keep the info forever.

Car Seats and Parent Meet Ups in Boise, Meridian, Eagle and Nampa

  • Car Seat Installation – Did you know that 9 out of 10 car seats are used incorrectly? For that reason, Ada County Paramedics offers free infant car seat inspection and installation. They have 6 locations in Boise, Nampa, Meridian and beyond. Schedule a car seat inspection or installation.
  • Baby and Me Group – Every Tuesday from 10-11am, the St. Alphonsus Family Center hosts a FREE support group for all parents and their babies. This is a great way to meet families while also having fun with your baby. No registration necessary! For more info, call 208-367-3454 or visit St. Al’s online.
  • St. Lukes Moms Meet UpYou can get together with other new moms to talk about the joys and challenges of motherhood. While the group is casual, there are different specialized topics each week. Therefore, the group is facilitated by an RN or Health Educator. You can fins a group near you in Nampa, Boise and Meridian.
  • Boise Mom Meet Ups – Facebook is your friend for finding parents in your local area! Boise Area Mommy Meet Up and

Parent Resources for After Baby Arrives Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Support and Encouragement Meetings– Bring your baby on any Tuesday from 11-12noon at the St. Alphonsus Family Center. Meetings happen every week. This is another FREE in-person get together that requires no registration, so if you’re looking for lactation support for your newborn, infant or twins you can just show up!

Liberty Medical Park Building 
900 N. Liberty Street, Suite 204
Boise, ID 83704

  • La Leche League of Treasure Valley, ID-The local facebook page for LLL Treasure Valley can help you troubleshoot any challenges as well as provide fellowship and nursing support. In person and virtual meetings are posted here. Additionally, evidence-based newborn, infant and toddler feeding information is right on their regional website,

Postpartum and New Parent Support in Boise, Idaho – Mental Health and State Resources

  • Postpartum Support International, Idaho chapter- Visit or you can call/text 800-944-4773. The mission of PSI Idaho is for you to have access to perinatal support, therefore receiving mental health counseling, providers, education, and resources. This improves overall well-being of new moms, dads and families.
  • 2-1-1 Idaho CareLine – Idaho’s comprehensive database of programs that offer free or low-cost health and human services or social services. Resources such as community clinics and health insurance are in this database, so it’s a great one to bookmark.
  • Idaho Maternal & Child Health – Idaho’s Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Program is committed to improving the health and well-being of mothers, infants, and children. They have a special focus on newborn screenings in addition to helping families with children who have special health care needs.
  • National Maternal Mental Health Line – Call or text 833-TLC-MAMA. This Hotline is staffed with professional counselors who provide immediate, real-time support, information, and resources for postpartum mental health issues.

Whatever type of new parent support in Boise you need, our team is here. Our night nannies, nurses and postpartum doulas can answer any questions. And whether you’re pregnant or are in the postpartum phase, we’re here for you. If you’re outside of Idaho, the resources listed below can help with maternal and overall mental health.

Nationwide Postpartum Mental Health Resources