Night Nannies Baby Registry Must-Haves for TWINS!

So you’re having twins, congratulations! It can all be overwhelming but don’t worry- we got you! Our team will help you get prepared with all the gear to welcome home your newborns below in Night Nannies Baby Registry Must-Haves for TWINS!
Night Nannies Baby Registry Must-Haves for TWINS!
Yes you need a double stroller, 2 car seats and lots of clothes. you may not have thought of:
- Diapers – This one may sound obvious but did you know a single baby goes through about 2,200 diapers in the first year? That’s 4,400 for your household! So yes- stock up on the preemie and newborn sizes because your infants will most likely be smaller than the average 7-8 pound singleton for a while. We also suggest being ready with the next size up diaper too. Future-you will thank today-you for keeping sizes 1, 2 and 3 somewhere in your house. When the babies grow out of the previous size they need the next size up quickly! This is because let’s face it, the babies will have enough blow-outs without having diapers that are too small!
- The Double-Playpen – As they grow you will be thankful that the twins have a safe space to explore and play. You’ll also be thankful that all the toys are contained in one place! A play center that keeps babies safely enclosed is something the family will use for years indoors and outdoors.
- Twin Sleeper – 2022 safe sleep recommendations include babies sleeping in the same room, but not the same bed as parents for the first 6 months of life. Additionally the only safe sleeping space for a baby up to age 1 is flat on their backs, without any blankets or items in their crib. For twins, their sibling could be considered another “item” in the crib! A twin co-sleeper checks all the boxes for safe sleep while allowing your newborns to be close to you for feeding. They’ll also be close to each other for comfort.
Twins Registry Items for YOU
Don’t forget to think of yourself when the twins arrive. Birth recovery and those first weeks and months home are exhausting and might have you doubting yourself. This is normal, but giving yourself some grace will help the whole family. Here are some ideas:
- “One Handed Foods” – If you’re blessed to have friends organizing a meal train don’t forget to put portable foods on your list of likes. Whole dinners are wonderful but protein smoothies, fruit, granola bars…even hot dogs and hamburgers will get you quick energy when you might not be able to sit down. Stock the house with foods you can prepare and eat with one hand. While you’re at it get a whole bunch of straws. Vitamins, protein and nutrients are vital for you during this time where you’re recovering from birth and going on little sleep. If you’re breastfeeding having to-go foods and drinks on hand will help keep milk production up too.
- Baby Breeza – The Baby Breeza is known as a kind of a “baby Keurig,” making formula instead of coffee. And this is AMAZING if your twins take formula overnight. Keep it on your nightstand and you won’t even have to get out of bed! If you’re nursing, there’s also a Breeza that will also safely thaw breastmilk, warm milk and make baby food. You can control all this from their app!
- Help – We talk a lot about how many new parents have to be their own Village because friends and family aren’t available. There are resources for you though. Night nannies like us, daytime babysitters and your local Parents of Multiples chapter are all here for you. And if you’re experiencing postpartum depression or ever have thoughts that scare you, contact Postpartum Support International.

You can see the whole Twins Registry here. Tell us if we missed anything on Facebook or IG! We make a commission from these sales but we actually really love and use all these items.
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